Dr. Gayle Friend

Unrestricted Intimacy

Reclaim your inner power and live deeply connected.

First let’s acknowledge You!

Your dedication to personal growth – inspiring!

Everything you’ve accomplished so far – bravo!

How you value meaningful relationships – I’m all over that!

Yet, you feel conflicted…

You recognize you have almost everything yet you feel like something’s missing.

You strive for authenticity yet still grapple with uncertainty, self-doubt and self-criticism.

You crave deeper connections yet if we’re being honest vulnerability doesn’t feel safe.

You appreciate and are grateful for so much yet frustrated that part of you is unfulfilled.

You value self-care yet you can’t shake the pervasive undercurrent of tension.

You enjoy time with loved ones yet feel recurring inexplicable loneliness.

What if Unrestricted Intimacy is all you’re missing? 

A life free from the inner self-talk and “supposed-to-be’s”.

Imagine true fulfillment with joy and re-ignited passion.

Imagine the contentment of a peaceful mind and relaxed body.

Imagine having an unconditional sense of love and belonging.

Imagine being next level authentic without fear or apology.

Imagine enjoying lighthearted and genuine connections.

Imagine inner wisdom as your guiding force with full trust.

Let’s define Unrestricted Intimacy and why we need it.

Unrestricted Intimacy is an expanded approach to life where intimacy is recognized for far more than only experiencing it with a chosen few or how we use the word to describe sexual activity.

Unrestricted Intimacy is a practice that leads us to a higher truth of who we and others are, and profoundly connects us to a richer experience of the world in every conceivable way with benefits beyond what can be imagined in the present moment.

Unrestricted Intimacy is a higher expression of love, joy, connection, and authenticity than what we’ve previously strived for.

When we already have accomplishments we’re proud of and so much we appreciate yet feel like something’s missing, Unrestricted Intimacy is the next step of personal achievement!

Embracing Unrestricted Intimacy can change your life.

Through my work as a coach, speaker, author and teacher, I’ll introduce you to novel concepts and doable practices that empower and inspire you, and turn inner conflict into peace so you have more time, energy and joy for the people and things you love.

The Unrestricted Intimacy process is holistic.

Mind: Explore three levels of your mind and how to ease inner conflict.

Body: Discover the truth of all emotions and your unique core needs.

Heart: Expand your capacity for love, joy and passion from a spark to a flame.

Spirit: Evolve unapologetically and confidently into your next level authenticity.

Soul: Develop skills of profound inner wisdom as your true north star.

With bespoke one-to-one coaching or in a supportive community, you’ll receive a unique experience of being gently guided in transformation from inner chaos to calm radiance.

Hi! I’m Gayle

In Disneyland, on a ride with seats built for two, my dad and brother sat in front of me, mom and sister behind. They did their best, “If you sit between us, we’ll all be together.” But nine-year-old me felt sad and alone in the happiest place on earth – then scolded for being miserable. 

That was one of my early experiences that led to a few decades of feeling rejected and isolated—even among others. I tried to fit in and resented that I wasn’t accepted. Self-doubt, anxiety and depression coupled with angry bursts took a toll on my body and relationships into adulthood.

My deep craving for connection and belonging fuelled my passion for understanding human nature from both science and spiritual perspectives. My personal journey became the foundation of my work—helping people go from inner turmoil to true fulfillment. I became an intimacy expert teaching others how to open and cultivate more joy and meaningful depth in all aspects of life.

Discover Unrestricted Intimacy for yourself!

Deeper connections
True fulfillment
Inner calm